Looking for a great cleaning schedule to make your summer easy and breezy? This is it! If you’ve been following along since the beginning, at the end of every month I put up the next month’s free cleaning calendar. Each day has simple daily tasks listed and one rotating cleaning task. I find that with a crazy, busy life and schedules all over the place, this is the easiest way to ‘keep up with it all’.


Go here to grab June’s calendar!

Does every single thing get completed every day? Not always, but most days. It works for me and I am so happy to share my ideas with you! So grab the calendar, print it out, put it somewhere where you’ll see it. Do a little bit everyday and I promise you every week will get easier and you’ll see a remarkable improvement in your home.

Need a little more instruction on the schedule? Here’s a little infographic that explains the schedule a little bit:

Check out the links below:

Interested in my Cleaning Routine? – you can check that out here.

Monday – Bathrooms

Tuesday – Dusting

Wednesday – Vacuum

Thursday – Wash Floors

Friday – Catch-All Day

Saturday – Sheets + Towels

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