If you’ve wanted to start a cleaning routine but haven’t known how or where to start, The 7-Day SIMPLY CLEAN Kick Start Challenge is for you. If you need a little encouragement and help sticking with a cleaning routine, you’ll love this challenge as well. I started developing my cleaning routine for myself almost 20 years ago and I can’t tell you how many times I’ve tweaked and changed it, but it’s the one thing that remains the same in the midst of a busy life. I hope you try it out and see how it works for you!

This challenge is straight from my best-selling book Simply Clean– grab the book for even more!


If you feel like you could dust each and every day of the week and still find dust to be cleared, it’s time to dust a little differently. Proactive and methodical dusting will cure your dusting woes, but first let’s talk a bit about where the dust is coming from and what you can do to keep it away. Dust comes from carpet, bedding, pillows, furnaces, airborne particles form outside, vacuuming, etc. In order to keep it from always showing up on your surfaces, furniture, and electronics, you need to stay on top of the dust. A quick weekly dusting and vacuuming will take care of most of the dust, but follow along for some great tips on how to keep the dust away.

Before you get started, let’s take care of a few maintenance tasks to keep the dust away a little longer. Make sure you have new/clean filters on your furnaces, air conditioners, humidifiers, dehumidifiers, and air cleaners. Filters do a great job of trapping dust and particles from the air and it’s important to make sure you’re changing them as often as necessary for your home systems.

  1. Give your vents a quick once-over with your duster or vacuum cleaner’s hose attachment. If you can’t remember the last time you did this or if your vents look especially dirty, you might want to remove them from the wall and wash and dry them or vacuum them out, making sure you remove all the visible dust and dirt.
  2. Once you’ve checked these maintenance items off your list, it’s time to dust, dust, dust! Today’s task is to dust your home thoroughly and extensively. Grab a duster and a microfiber cloth(or your favorite dusting tools). I find that microfiber does a great job grabbing and holding the dust without spreading it around. If you have more than one level in your home, start on the upper floor and dust from the top down. Working from the top down moves the dust to the floor instead of making more work for yourself by having to re-dust things you just dusted.
  3. Dust all the flat surfaces, lifting up and removing items as you go. If you spot something that needs to be put elsewhere or tossed out, put it in a basket and deal with it later. Work quickly and eliminate distractions to complete this dusting adventure. Once you’ve conquered one room, move to the next, and so on. Finish on the main level of your home with a top-to-bottom, left-to-right approach.

Here’s how the challenge is going to work – every day for 7 days (July 30-August 5) you’ll have an assigned task to complete – you’ll see that the tasks semi-mirror my cleaning routine. Once you’ve completed the 7 tasks, you’ll be ready to continue with the Simply Clean Method as you move forward. I’ll be sharing the daily tasks on social media and on the blog. Want to join in and get a jumpstart on your cleaning routine and bring a little order to your home? Order Simply Clean and follow along!

Coming in a little late? No worries! Start when and where you can and follow along! Check out the links below for where you can find the daily prompts and follow what works for you:

Order Simply Clean
Follow Clean Mama on Facebook
Follow Clean Mama on Instagram
Join Private FB group – Homekeeping Society
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Catch up on any of the days here:


Up for another challenge? As soon as this one is done, you can do the 28-Day Simply Clean Challenge. That challenge is straight from my book but you can also get the daily challenge tasks delivered daily right to your inbox with a FREE printable checklist to use as you follow along. Go to the link below and to sign up (this is NOT my newsletter sign up form, you will only get this challenge if you sign up for it!)

The 28-Day Simply Clean Challenge