It’s time for July’s free homekeeping calendar! Anytime is the perfect time to get a cleaning routine in order, find some new and workable solutions for organizing, hold yourself accountable, and get your home in a routine that works for you and your family.


If you’re feeling like you need some help with your cleaning and homekeeping and don’t know where to start, you’ll love my cleaning routine and calendar. I keep daily homekeeping tasks to 15-30 minutes a day and this simple plan is how I do it! This is a workable solution for even the busiest of households – give it a go, I think you’ll be surprised how a little bit every day can make a huge difference in your home.

If you’ve been following Clean Mama for even a week, you know that every day is a chance to start over and so is every week, month, etc. I hope that you find that my cleaning routine is SIMPLE, EASY TO IMPLEMENT, and full of GRACE.

Read on, grab the FREE calendar for July 2018 and get ready to see how doing a little bit everyday really is the secret to a clean house.

Here’s an infographic that explains my homekeeping routine:


Weekly and daily tasks are detailed at the top, rotating cleaning tasks are on the bottom of the calendar with a little checklist. How you use the calendar is up to you – put it on a clipboard, in your planner, on your refrigerator. Use checkmarks, draw lines through tasks or simply keep it up as a reminder.

QUICK TIP: Want to put this in a planner? Simply resize the pdf when you go to print it in your printer preferences.

Ready to follow along?

  • Subscribe in the sidebar for motivational posts and tips to keep up with the daily and weekly tasks.
  • Follow on Instagram and Facebook
  • Join my private Facebook group too called Homekeeping Society (just ask to join and I’ll add you) – it’s great for support and to meet others that are following along with my cleaning routine.
  • I also wrote a book all about my cleaning routine, complete with tips, tricks, and diy cleaning recipes. Grab SIMPLY CLEAN here.


Go here to grab your FREE calendar for July 2018!


New here? Grab this free printable on the free printables page – it explains my cleaning routine in detail. Go to this post for even more! If you want to see me talking about my cleaning routine, I have a couple videos on YouTube too 🙂

(Please note: I’ve added the free cleaning calendar to my updated FREE printables page, simply grab, download and print.)

If you love this format, check out Homekeeping Society. Homkeeeping Society is the perfect way to turn that overwhelmed feeling into one of accomplishment. You’ll see how simple it can be to keep up with all that goes into keeping a home when you don’t have to think about what needs to be done. Use the coupon code 30offjuly for 30% off your first month!

If you like this FREE printable you’ll love my HOMEKEEPING SOCIETY and the organizing printables in my shop!