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A whole month of the year is behind us – if you’ve been working through the Start Here. calendar for January I hope you’ve met successes and made some progress in your home. If you’re new here, check out the first post in this series for a little more explanation.

What’s behind the success of any clean and organized home?

Consistency and follow through.

I’m calling the series Start Here. because without starting something, you’ll never finish anything. Don’t get bogged down in the every day messiness that is life, you have to start somewhere to get anywhere and that’s what we’re doing today. Start here.

Ready? We all have to start somewhere – let’s Start Here.

Here’s a little infographic that explains the cleaning and organizing schedule…


Start Here.  Cleaning + Organizing Calendar Infographic via Clean Mama

start here february

Want to join in on the fun? Grab a FREE cleaning and organizing calendar for February (this is free in my shop – if you’d prefer to grab it from Googledocs, you can go here to grab it) and give it a go. Follow along all month for motivational posts and tips to keep up with the daily and weekly tasks. Need a little more explanation? Here’s a post on Weekly Cleaning Tasks and a post on Daily Cleaning Tasks. I’ve/we’ve covered a lot of cleaning and organizing ground this month – you can go here to see all the posts in this series.

February 2014 Cleaning + Organizing Calendar via Clean Mama

Go here to grab your FREE calendar for February 2014!

Want to make 2014 the year that you cleaned and organized everything? Me too!

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(If you like this calendar style, you’ll love The Simplified Life Series in my shop!)

Follow along!
