Menu planning is a great way to save money, eat well, and ensure meals together. When I take a couple minutes on Fridays to plan a menu and grocery list, that time pays off ten-fold in convenience during the week. Throughout the month of May, I’m going to share some simple ways to plan your meals. Today’s topic? Three Ways to Use Pinterest for Menu Planning.
1. Do a recipe search – Chicken Enchiladas sound good for dinner? Do a quick search and see what recipes come up. (The only downfall with searching on Pinterest is that sometimes you’ll see the same pin over and over.)
Once you find a recipe that sounds good, go to the direct source and make sure that the recipe exists and pin the recipe from the source. I went here to the actual recipe and then pinned it on my ‘main dishes’ board.
2. Set Up Categories for Favorite Recipes and/or Recipes to Try – use Pinterest as a place to keep track of your favorite recipes and/or put your recipes on a ‘to make someday’ board and then if they are keepers, move them into the correct category. Comment on your pins – changes you made, whether or not it’s worth a repeat….
3. Name Your Boards to Simplify Your Meal Planning – if Monday is ‘meatless night’, name a board accordingly. Crockpot Tuesdays? How about a crockpot board? Spend some time pinning recipes you already use and some new ones to try. Then you’ll be all set to use Pinterest as an effective tool in your meal planning.
Has Pinterest changed how you plan your menu? How do you use it?