How to Wash Makeup Brushes - Clean Mama

How about a cleaning task that you can do in under five minutes? Makeup brushes. Add washing your brushes to your beauty routine at least once a month and your brushes will last longer and you’ll eliminate bacteria on your brushes which eventually will end up on your face.

Why should you wash your makeup brushes?

  • old makeup builds up on the bristles
  • bacteria from the oils on your face build up on the brushes
  • if you use use brushes in multiple products like different shades of eye shadow you are cross-contaminating your makeup and shades

3 Ways to Wash Your Makeup Brushes

  1. Daily Brush Cleaner – this works best when you start with clean brushes (I like this one from Origins).
  2. Mild shampoo or baby shampoo
  3. Mild hand soap

3 Ways To Clean Makeup Brushes

If you are washing your brushes for the first time in a while, you’ll want to choose hand soap or shampoo. Wet the bristles, add a drop of soap or shampoo, rinse until the water runs clean and blot any extra water on a clean towel. (Clean your brushes after you apply your makeup for the day because it may take a bit for the brushes to fully dry.

When was the last time you washed your makeup brushes?
